Hospital News

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    Consumer Guide to Elective Surgery and Procedures

    Oct 05 2012

    clairetodd | Hospital News, Uncategorized

      Consumer Guide to Elective Surgery and Procedures Thank you for recognizing your pet may need to undergo an elective procedure such as spay or neutering. Many people “shop around”…

  • Vaccinations – HELP!

    Jul 14 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    If you have spent hours online researching “vaccinations for pets” but still cannot decide how your pet should be vaccinated, you are not alone. There are numerous diseases for which…

  • The Silent Pet Killer Found in EVERY Home

    Jun 19 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Here in Southern Ontario the routine starts to be familiar, summer arrives, the weather warms, sooner or later the first “Heat Alert” is issued. Everybody seeks out air conditioning, arms…

  • Ticks, Ticks and more Ticks !!!

    Jun 03 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Ticks, Ticks, Ticks! Are you finding tick numbers on the rise? If you are, it’s not just your imagination. Over the last few years the Canadian tick population has been…

  • Growin’Old Ain’t for Sissys

    May 23 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    “Growin’ old ain’t for sissys!” A favourite mantra of my good friend’s father; he’s storming his way through his eighties so he knows what he’s talking about. Despite all the…

  • Heartworm Disease – What is the Risk?

    Apr 14 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    April Showers Bring May…. Bugs? As the temperatures rise, the tree buds swell, and the grass starts to grow the insects start planning for a fun-filled summer of reproduction and…

  • Mercy’s Rescue

    Mar 19 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Please read this heartwarming story about one of Fonthill Animal Hospital’s very own patients! Mercy, the Mercer County Weimaraner John Lennon in his song Beautiful Boy-(Double Fantasy Album) sang “Life…

  • The Decision to Spay and Castrate – Not So Hard

    Jan 18 2012

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Most people understand the primary benefit of spaying and castrating their dog or cat as preventing unwanted pregnancy, or deterring their cat from spraying urine in the house. So if…

  • Christmas Pet Safety

    Dec 01 2011

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Christmas Caution The children are nestled all snug in their beds, all bellies are full, the last of the guests have headed home and the crackling fire tempts you to…

  • Interesting Cases – Bladder Stones

    Oct 24 2011

    LifeLearn Admin | Hospital News

    Tarzan is a nine year old, handsome, long hair white cat with a wonderful disposition and outgoing personality. When his family noticed a change in his behaviour, they were immediately…